For very important data, data redundancy needs to be performed during system deployment. That is, multiple copies of these data should be saved. Usually, we store each data backup on multiple nodes for storage using a distributed system.
One of my previous projects was a website system called CatSneeze for finding and selling online movies, which used this architecture:
Among them, a load balancer in google cloud is roled by a Apache server, and I use a round-robin fashion for polling. Requests sent from the front end are forwarded to two machines loaded on AWS EC2 in turn. By this method, the burden of access is reduced and the sustainable number of service users is increased.
MySQLs on two AWSs is deployed in a Master-Slave mode, in which the Master can perform all write operations and partial read operations while the Slave performs partial read operations. Data redundancy is performed on instances2 and instance3. Among them, data replication from master to slave can keep the two databases synchronized at any time.